In order to compete at NNOC 2023, there are a number of items that are "required" for each cadet before they will be allowed to begin their courses.  Each of these items is mandatory and will be verified prior to any runner being allowed to complete.  These items include:

     - A camelbak or similar type water carrying device.  There will NOT be water on any courses and "carrying" a water bottle by any other means will not be allowed.

     - An e-stick or finger stick.  This is the required timing device that each runner will use.  Rentals are available for teams/individuals that need one.

     - Compass.  A compass is an integral piece of equipment for any orienteer.  This should be of the hand-held variety and understood how to be used by the orienteer.  A compass on a lanyard around the neck is not effective for orienteering.  Please ensure all runners know how to use their compass, to include how to read bearings as required for safety (i.e. safety bearing).  All runners will demonstrate how to read the appropriate safety bearing at stage 2 of the start, prior to beginning their course.

     - Safety Whistle.  Three shorts blast is the signal for distress.  Whistles are ONLY to be used in the case of serious injury or after courses have closed for the day.  Being temporarily lost IS NOT an emergency.  When temporarily lost, you should re-orient yourself and continue your course or follow your safety bearing back to the finish area.

     - Watch.  All orienteers must have a watch - you must know if/when your course time limit has past so that you may return to the finish area.

     - Runner Bib.  All runners must have their bibs fixed to the front of the outer garment in which they will run.  Bids and pins will be provided.  It should be clearly visible to all.

     - Cell Phone (optional).  Cell phones may be carried by runners, however they may NOT be used for navigation in any way.  They may be used to record your routes or in the case of emergency, as an aid to return to the finish.  If carried, cell phones should be placed in the runners camelbak or in an arm sleeve with the phone facing inwards so the screen cannot be viewed.  ANY competitor seen looking at their phone on the course will be deemed to have given up on their course and will be disqualified.  Turn phones off or place them in airplane mode to conserve battery life.  Headphones or any other listening device are NOT allowed by any runner while on their course.

     - Orienteering Shoes.  All runners should have good orienteering shoes to allow for proper traction in navigating the hills and rolling wooded GA terrain.